Pinedale Elementary is committed to building a positive school culture in which all students feel safe and loved, and have the opportunity to experience programs and clubs that will help them grow in mind, body, and spirit.
Student Council
Twice a year, Pinedale Elementary students in grades 4th-6th have an opportunity to run for a Student Council position. Student Council provides opportunities for students to become more involved in their school and community. Student Council members take pride in their school and encourage all students to SOAR.
Off the Front
Our Folklorico program, led by director and Kindergarten teacher, Aide Madrigal, is an important part of the Pinedale community. Our school community, both present and past, takes great pride in participating in our folklorico program. Students perform traditional dances from regions throughout Mexico.
Peer Mediation
Our Peer Mediation program promotes school safety and positive student relationships. The program is designed to teach students how to solve conflicts with their peers. Our peer mediators are trained through Fresno State and spend their recess helping students as disagreements arise.
Pinedale is the first AVID elementary school in Clovis Unified. AVID stands for; Advancement Via Individual Determination. “AVID’s mission is to close the achievement gap by preparing all students for college readiness and success in a global society.” AVID strategies include; Writing to learn, Inquiry skills, Collaboration, Organization, and Reading to learn (WICOR).
AVID Cultural Proficiency Training
Pinedale Elementary staff receive ongoing staff development to create a positive and inclusive classroom environment. Through our AVID training, we are also focused on cultural proficiency and student voice. This training provides a framework of effective methodologies that validate the cultures of all students in the classroom and on the campus. These research-based strategies will enhance the site’s curriculum and help students make relevant learning connections to increase subject-matter comprehension.