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Pinedale Elementary

Part of the Clovis Unified School District

After School Education & Safety

ELC After School Program

Pinedale's ELC After School Program immediately follows each instruction day as follows -  

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday  2:35-6:00 pm      

Wednesdays  1:05 pm - 6:00 pm

These programs are open to students grade 1-6. Students will be chosen based on a lottery system with special emphasis given to English Learners, Foster Youth, and Socio-Economically Disadvantaged students.  During the duration of the after school program your child(ren) will be provided a free snack, time to work on their homework with assistance when needed, outdoor activities, and a planned enrichment activity daily.

These programs are free of charge to all parents regardless of their income level because they are funded by a state grant. The funding of this grant is based on the child’s attendance and therefore ATTENDANCE IS MANDATORY. All students enrolled in the before school program are expected to attend daily, and all students enrolled in the after school program are expected to stay until 5:45 pm and no later than 6:00 pm. Should they need to be picked up early on occasion, an Early Release Form will be kept on file and the log will need to be completed on such days.